Author-less design was our inspiration for Silla B
We ran to a bunch of chairs stacked up that served as the original inspiration for Silla B.
Everything is a remix. When you use an inspiration or reference for a design you got to study it, honor it, give it credit and most importantly transform it into something new. This is how our Silla B was conceived, taking for starting point the commonly used (in Mexico and I guess in many more places) banquet chair that we turned it into a casual visitors chair for Ofimodul. Guess that with the news of our stupid mexican president plagiarizing his thesis it's important everyone gets things straight about what's right and wrong when "creating" something of your own using other people's work. What's your opinion?
Some references about the subject of using other's people work for inspiration of referece:
Austin Kleon: Steal like an Artist
Kirby Ferguson